Friday, March 10, 2006

thank you, young lady

On my way to work this morning, I saw something interesting. As I was walking, I noticed a woman walking in the opposite direction. By itself, this is not a noteworthy or unusual event (women often walk in the exact opposite direction I do). What made this passing more interesting was that this woman had perhaps the largest jugs I've ever seen in my life (and I don't mean she was carrying a lot of water from the river back to her village). The best part of this whole scenario came when she stopped at the corner to ask a cop for directions. I have to give it to the man, he did an excellent job of maintaining his focus and not staring at her chest, but I thought his neck was going to snap at any moment.

I saw Thank You for Smoking last night and it was fabulous. I recommend it very highly to everyone. The smoking bit doesn't matter at all. In fact, despite some of the reviews I've read, the movie didn't affect my feelings about smoking, good or bad. It's just a hilarious movie that should appeal to just about everybody. The writing is quick, the characters are quirky, and Adam Brody (yes, I watch the OC, I admit it) steals just about every scene he's in. Go see this movie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have the resolve that the cop has... I just can't help it.