Saturday, March 25, 2006

don't open the door for anyone

It's amazing what people will try to sell you. Two guys knocked on the door to my apartment the other day and I, being the idiot that I am, actually opened the door. They launched into this thing about how they were doing this leadership exercise for their high school. I was, of course, skeptical, but I did my best to keep an open mind in case they really were on a leadership exercise. I'll save you some suspense and tell you they were not. The one guy said the exercise was to practice public speaking by going door-to-door and talking to people. Alright. He explained that if he did well enough, he would get to go to Paris. For going talking to people door-to-door? Damn, my high school gypped me. He then asked me which magazines I would like to subscribe to in order to help him. Lemmme make sure I got this here. You want me to buy magazines from you so that you can go to Europe while I sit here with my thumb up my ass watching SportsCenter? Do people actually do this? If so, who are these people? I have a bridge I'd like to sell them.

The best part of this whole scenario came at the end when I told him I was just leaving and that I wasn't interested. As I started to close the door, rather than just leave, the guy says, "Where's the weed, man? Where's the weed? Where's the weed?" He repeated this at least 5 times and I have no idea why.


Anonymous said...

These kids are notorious for coming to our apartment complex, apparently. The first guy who came to our apartment back in August got some of our money and we never got any of our magazines. The second guy came only a few weeks ago and said he would get to go to Rome. Told him we weren't interested...that he was probably just going to rip us off. The weed parts funny though...the guy who came to our door didn't ask for weed!

Anonymous said...

Hey don't worry you are not the only one this happens too. When we lived in Grand Rapids this chick came to our door with the same story, but was really pushing the leadership part. We actually got in a tiff about her getting a job. Next time they came around I let Aaron answer the door.