Wednesday, March 22, 2006

i am a huge dork

If you're reading this, you probably already know what a huge dork I am. It's something I enjoy. In fact, I'd like to share a little bit of my dorkiness with you, my dedicated (yeah right) readers.

First up, we have an incredibly useful link I found on Fark just the other day. It's a great website with a large list of free open source software for Windows. They also have a link to some open source Mac software, if you roll that way. Here are a couple items that deserve special notice:

  • Mozilla Firefox: a better web browser than Internet Explorer.
  • Gaim: one program for all of your instant messengers.
  • OpenOffice: great if you can't afford Microsoft Office.
  • GIMPShop: great if you can't afford Photoshop.
My second item comes from a random link I followed while surfing the interweb. It's a hilarious article from a great writer at Wired News called Not Your Mama's Online Assistant. In the article, the author, Lore Sjöberg, recaps the version history of a fake online assistant. It starts out a little slow, but it gets better the more you read (trust me).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ding ding ding... you've won the obvious prize...

Why use Gaim (which always makes me think of Gay-AIM) when you can just use Google Talk in Gmail?

Why use the GIMP when you can just pirate PShop? (however, my copy is legal)

I just found out some new features for Google Reader, apparently they were released yesterday. One they start working properly, I'll make that big post I keep talking about. These new features are awesome, it's what I've always wanted!