Wednesday, May 31, 2006

it wasn't even cool back then

On Saturday, I spent most of the day in D.C. with Justin, Misti, Drew, and Drew's family. It was a lot of fun. Drew's dad seemed like a really cool, laid-back guy. We spent all day downtown eating lunch, drinking beer, and sightseeing. I even got to make it to the American History Smithsonian to see the new Muppet exhibit. It was a lot smaller than I expected, but it still had some interesting stuff. If you're a fan of the Muppets you should check it out. It was a long and exhausting day, but I enjoyed it.

When I got home from that excursion, I flicked on the television and, for reasons I cannot explain, stopped on the local cable access channel. They had different musicians on singing protest songs, mostly concerning the war in Iraq. It was interesting, but at the same time I couldn't help laughing just a little bit. These guys took themselves a little too seriously. Still, I admire their musical ability (something I do not have) and their fortitude to stand up for what they believe in.

Another issue of growing concern is the ongoing revival of 80s fashion. How can this be happening? In general, this movement appears to be limited to young girls, high school or early college age. I'm no expert on fashion, as anyone who has seen my wardrobe can attest, but can these girls actually think they look good? I think the vast majority of these girls have no idea they are imitating the stiles of the 80s. Sure, my generation imitated the trends of the 70s, but we knew what we were doing. We just didn't care.

Can anyone out there answer these questions for me?

  • Do they think they look good?
  • Do they know they are imitating the 80s?
  • Were the 80s ever actually cool?
  • When did wind chimes become a proper replacement for earrings?
  • Isn't wearing a skirt over top of pants excessive?
  • Can I start wearing those MC Hammer pants I've been saving?
  • What's the fastest animal in the world?
  • Do we need to worry teenagers will resurrect other crappy trends?
And while we're on the subject, are the children of this generation less intelligent than those of my generation? This is the way it appears to me and a number of other people my age. Are we, as a society, losing intelligence, beginning with our youth? If so, why? Or does every generation feel this way about the younger generations?


Anonymous said...

Dude. It's scary. I saw this all the time when subbing at the high school. I'd even make fun of them, and they had no idea what I was talking about.

Me: Uh...1986 called and they want their leg warmers/spandex/blue eyeshadow back.
Them: What are you talking about??

I'm afraid for the future...

(and no, kids aren't stupided. We're just smarter.)

Anonymous said...

as for the question "were the 80's ever cool?" I seem to recall several occassions following you and Greg prancing around to "The Safety Dance". Don't pretend like you don't remember.

Anonymous said...

Woa ... the Muppets are now at The Smithsonian?! Clearly I need to make a trip to D.C. one of these days!

That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on bad 80s clothes making a comeback. What I have yet to see is the bad 80s hair (except on people who haven't changed their hair since the 80s) - when that happens, it's time for a serious national intervention...