Monday, July 31, 2006

back in the swing of things

Have you ever been to a movie you were tempted to walk out of? I never thought this would happen to me, but I was wrong. I went to see Miami Vice last week and it was every bit as bad as I imagined it would be. The dialogue was just terrible, on a level with Star Wars: Episode II (yes, it was that bad). The directing was bad to the point of being distracting, which is odd considering the same man directed Heat and the Last of the Mohicans. Despite all of that, the reason I felt like leaving is because I was bored. That's it. If this had been a rental or just a movie I found while flipping channels on my TV at home I would not have watched more than five minutes of it.

I wasn't surprised by how bad the movie was (I expected as much), but I was surprised by the lack of anything interesting happening.

Last night I watched WarGames (Blogger's spell check wanted to replace "WarGames" with "arguing". What?) on TV. Despite the fact that the film is so outdated it made me laugh (monitors with only the ability to display black backgrounds and green text, huge computer banks with randomly flashing lights that apparently mean something to someone), it really is one of the best "hacker/computer" movies out there.

Tysen, Kathryn and I have tickets to a free pre-screening of Little Miss Sunshine tonight. I'm looking forward to it from the previews. I've always thought Greg Kinnear was funnier than he got credit for.

Don is coming to visit me in a couple weeks. Should be a lot of fun. It's been a while since I've seen him (New Years).

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